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Having recently discussed the brilliant opening of The Walking Dead Season 3, I thought it was time to chat about The Big Bang Theory.
The previous season wasn’t all that great in all honesty, I laughed but not as hard as I did in the opening couple of seasons. The show has taken on much more of a ‘Friends’ vibe now with the introduction of three girls to the group of guys, everyone having their own relationship problems, it isn’t so much about the geekery anymore.
The latest season has just been below par in my opinion, not even the cast seem overly enthused, their acting seemingly below par. I think episode two summed most of it up with Penny not sure on where her relationship with Leonard stands. I don’t think anyone really knows where this show stands anymore and I’ll be surprised if it gets another season after this.
Time to call it a day on the Big Bang methinks, perhaps what is at fault here is E4 for playing the shows over and over and over again every single day to a sickening degree. This isn’t like ‘Friends’ yet, there aren’t 10 seasons to rotate through, we’re seeing the same episode repeated every month and a half, its too much to take damnnit!