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Original Air Date: 12 September 2008

I haven’t blogged in a while, mainly because I’ve not felt there has been anything worthwhile to moan about but I didn’t want to leave it too long in case you forget about me. And I wouldn’t want that.

I suppose the biggest news to come out lately is that Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire have both signed on to film Spiderman 4 and 5. The rumour is that both films will be shot back to back so we can expect one villian to be in both movies and the fourth to leave us on tenterhooks! The latest arguments are on who is going to be the bad guy and Empire have gone and put up a list of just who it could be (omitting Carnage for unknown reasons but ones that sparked debate).

The Lizard is obviously the main choice of villain, but again debate has been risen over how that will make the movie a CGI mess and isn’t believable enough. Excuse me? Is a giant octopus or space goo really believable? Again, I really don’t have a preference…ok, yes I do, I want Venom back and I’ll explain again how later…movies today are all about the CGI, there have been great leaps in the technology and I don’t think that by having The Lizard as the villain you’re creating a CGI mess. It’ll be interesting if they do choose that option as we know how much Raimi hates hiding faces behind masks.

Now, my choice of baddie is Venom. Yes, Eddie Brock was vaporised at the end of the last movie but there is still some symbiote left and there could easily have been some that escaped the blast. This symbiote just needs to feed on some unsuspecting sap to gain some more power and turn itself back into the beast we know and love. When confronted by Spidey he tries to talk Eddie out, believing him to still be alive only for the symbiote to reply “there is no Eddie, only Venom”, a classic line from the comic/cartoon series. If you don’t want the symbiote to be hanging around on its own then Empire made a good point in that the Eddie Brock who was the first Venom was Edward Brock Jr. Why not have the symbiote track down Edward Brock Snr who is tricked into thinking Spidey killed his son. (Well, ok, he did, but he tried to save him).

As for the back to back…yes, I’m all for this, I already think Tobey is getting too old to be playing the character so get the most films out of him while you can! Good move. As for the plot line itself, well I think we need to have the Black Cat get involved. I had read that supposed script that was leaked on the net a while back which started with Peter and Mary-Jane getting married. Bad decision. Get the Black Cat in, or get a more real love triangle between Peter, Mary-Jane and Gwen Stacey that ends in either the death of MJ or the death of Gwen…the latter has obviously been done in the comics so that’d be the more logical choice, but before that Peter and MJ would have to split up. And keep them split until the very end of the fifth movie when they get back together.

Anyway, enough Spidey talk, I’m sure you’re sick of it all. Something else that caught my eye this week was the debate that raged over a photo of The Governator on the set of Terminator 4. People again are torn, is this a good thing, is this a bad thing? I put it to you that perhaps he’s not even in the film? Perhaps he was just visiting the set of the franchise he’d been a part of for God knows how long? That or considering Arnie is The Terminator they have to have his likeness and or voice involved in the apocalypse of Judgement Day otherwise what they send back, wouldn’t match.

This weekend I have no immediate plans. I think I shall indulge myself in some movies that have yet to be determined. Next Wednesday I shall go see Pineapple Express at the cinema and tonight I think I’ll get back onto Call of Duty 4, so if you see me online, say hello. I actually had a crack on CoD4 last night after about a six month hiatus and the one thing I’ve learnt is that people don’t get worse. The game has been out for the best part of a year and I’ve never improved at it, everyone I fought against seems to be able to kill me with one shot and my aim is all over the place. If that’s not an incentive to get online and challenge me to a game, I don’t know what is.

Update coming next week, until then! Keep it real readers!

The internet obviously has spoken with people pulling every which way on as to who the bad guy will be, what a bad choice it was to shoot them back to back, to bring back Tobey etc, etc. Personally I’m ecstatic they’re making more, being the Spider-Fan I am, everyone already knows my views on casting, whilst I do enjoy Tobey’s work he just isn’t charismatic enough now he’s an older spider and one that’s supposed to be full of wit.

Archived: Ramblings From Empire – Part 6: Just Swinging By… - archived

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