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Regardless of the game’s title, we actually do know a little bit more this morning about You Don’t Know Jack’s triumphant return. THQ has confirmed the game will be heading to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii and DS on January 25, 2011. Unlike the recent GameStop listing, no mention is made of Kinect regarding the game on Xbox 360. We’re still hoping against all odds that the game will ship with a full-size PC keyboard, replete with finger-worn keys and shoddily placed YDKJ stickers.
Unlike the Wii and DS versions, the PS3 and 360 games will support online multiplayer. Every version of the game will include “classic quiz modes” in “DisOrDat” and “Jack Attack,” not to mention new modes like “Wrong Answer of the Game” wherein, presumably, the goal is to get questions wrong. We’re especially glad to hear about that new mode, considering YDKJ losses are really our forte.
Source: Joystiq