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Episode 413 – “Jack’s Back”
Steve wants to enter a father/son bike race with Stan but gets shot down after Stan reveals he can never ride his bike again after popping a wheelie and distracting his friend who got hit by a train. Later it is shown that actually Stan just can’t ride a bike because his father never taught him. Steve overhears and goes in search of Stan’s Dad. He finds him in prison and reunites the pair.

Stan thinks Jack is only using him to escape again but he promises he isn’t and Steve believes him. It soon gets too much and Steve and Jack run away but Jack has a change of heart and turns himself in.

Meanwhile Hayley needs some work experience so helps out at Rogers bar but when he forces her to do horrible jobs she fights fire with fire by dressing up as various characters to put Roger in his place.

Actually a lot of laughs packed into this episode, I enjoyed it a lot. Francine desperate for some comic relief and yelling for Klaus followed by Roger was a particular highlight for me.

Y2Rating: 7/10

Archived: American Dad Episode 413 Review - archived