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With WWE Raw headed to Chicago on Monday night, there is feeling around the Internet that the usually rowdy crowd could turn on absolutely everyone and bring the show down.
Understandably, people are going to be disappointed that one of the hottest wrestling superstars in CM Punk won’t be at the show, but I hope the crowd behaves themselves.
I’ve as much information about the situation as you do, Punk grew dissatisfied with his push and the fact he wouldn’t be headlining Wrestlemania before his contract expired, so he decided to go home. Now, I admire Punk as much as the next man and I’m happy he stood up for himself and his beliefs but I don’t agree with him just walking out. He was under contract, he had a job to do, he should have done it.
It was Punk who walked out on the fans, not another Montreal Screwjob. Chant his name, sure, but don’t boo over other wrestlers who had nothing to do with it. Punk left, he didn’t think about leaving fans who had paid to see him, it was his decision to leave, let him go.
Of course, this could all be a work and he’ll show up and win the title. But the chances of that are slim.
If you want to boo, boo Batista (or Bootista – that is the best chant ever). Although actually, don’t even boo him. The WWE has seen that the Universe hasn’t taken to him so are turning him heel so he can feed off the boos. But then, his little speech on Raw he said “if the crowd cheer, I cheer them back, if they boo, I boo them back”. Does this mean if we cheer he’ll stay a face?
In that case, I implore fans during any WWE segment that features Bootista, just to shut the hell up, stand up and turn their backs. Stare at the bleachers behind you and don’t make a sound until he’s left the ring. Then cheer.
If we give him nothing to react against, if we turn our backs, then he’ll have no choice but to give up the ghost. I really hope the rumours of a walk out of the Wrestlemania main event are true. Randy Orton vs Bootista in an empty arena. Brilliant.
I also have some thoughts on Daniel Bryan, but I’ll leave those for another time.
In closing, please, don’t boo other workers for something CM Punk did and certainly don’t boo Bootista, just remain silent and turn your back. Please.
Many thanks,