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In some tragic news (that is actually old news but since I’m hearing it for the first time it’s still news), the beautiful Elizabeth Mitchell’s character from Lost is “toast”.
During the explosive season finale of Lost last season, Elizabeth Mitchells character, well, exploded. Or did she? After all, in the Lost universe, falling hundreds of feet down a massive well and then being mere inches away from a hydrogen bomb when it explodes could either mean the character got blown to smithereens or that theyll just wake up the next morning with a piercing headache and a severe urge to pop some Dharma-brand acetaminophen. Well, in the case of Juliet, executive producer Damon Lindelof confirms in this weeks issue of Entertainment Weekly (not yet online) that the female half of Sawliet is, indeed, toast. The decision to kill Juliet was absolutely brutal, he said, before adding that [Carlton Cuse and I] have to really love you to give you a finale death. Dont shed too many tears for Juliet, though: As we told you back in June, Juliet is set to appear in an unspecified number of episodes during the sixth and final season of the show.
Source: Docartz