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Total Divas: S04E05 – Tea Mode
This week the Total Divas are in the UK as the WWE goes on it’s European tour. The girls are split into two groups, Rosa, Emma, Nattie and Alicia in one group, The Bellas, Naomi and Paige in another. They all want hijinx on the road and Brie promises more ‘Brie Mode’ but the whole thing seems a little lacklustre.
Nikki tries to be prim and proper and enjoy British “tea time”. Right off the bat, I’m surprised Paige didn’t correct her, it’s “Afternoon Tea”! Things get a little too pretentious for Paige and she storms out of the hotel and takes the car with her. This is probably the only real action this episode had and yet there were no consequences. Paige apologises, Nikki accepts and they lived happily ever after.
On the other side of the tour, Alicia is suffering from Bad News withdrawals. She wants him but is getting conflicting messages from Rosa and Nattie on the best course of action to take. She ends up knocking on his door but running away. If Alicia wants a British man she’s in the right country, but the trolls she invites over to meet her are an awful selection of the yuk that Britain harbours.
What we can take the most out of this episode is feelings for Emma. She’s lurked in the background in a few episodes and now, when Rosa and Alicia go at it she sort of slinks off, avoiding the conflict. Bless, she was trapped in the car with Alicia and Paige last week and now this. She needs to find new riding buddies.
Back in the States, Eva is sporting bruises from her training and it gets her followers thinking she is being abused when she posts the pictures on Instagram. It doesn’t tell us if she addresses this or if she just lets it go, but you’d think she’d have to put a comment out there to confirm, “no, I’m a wrestler”! This is further compounded when she and Jonathan are at dinner and a stranger approaches her in the bathroom and tells her help is available. Whilst Eva does mention she’s a wrestler, she doesn’t do anything else to subdue this woman’s obvious concern. Perhaps she was abused herself and knows the trauma, she is offering help and instead Eva looks at her like a monster. Accept it and tell her everything is OK.
There weren’t as many laughs as last week, there was no drunken antics, although Paige does hit a dive bar with Naomi and Lana who could be mistaken for breaking character, probably the first time WWE fans would hear her without the Russian accent. The Foxy/Bad News thing goes no where and ends with her accepting its time to move on. They hit all the exciting cities in the UK yet don’t show any of them, other than a poor waiter mishearing John Cena make a filthy joke! Hopefully back to normality next week.