Archived: The Walking Dead Season 4 Plot Details - archived

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Months before The Walking Dead‘s return, a tantalizing reveal drops hints about where Rick and his ragtag team of survivors may find themselves at the start of Season 4. According to anonymous sources, the first episode of the new season will be titled “30 Days Without an Accident.”

So, does that mean there’ll be a timejump between Seasons 3 and 4? Or that zombie sightings are becoming few and far in between? Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong, and it means something else entirely. Find out when the show returns this fall.

Source: TV Line

For anyone who reads the graphic novels and indeed those of us who have enjoyed the TV series so far, we all know that despite their threat, the biggest enemy in ‘The Walking Dead’ are the humans. The graphic novels rarely see a zombie attack these days, they are merely obstacles to overcome on journeys between camps or used as weapons to attack or distract. That one episode of the TV show in season two where Rick, Glenn and Hershel are at a bar when some strangers rock up was the most intense I’ve ever experienced.

Season Three’s introduction of the Governor and the prison also introduced a lot more in the way of human characters, this group is developing, so it would seem a likely move that the writers are going to focus more on the terror within rather than the living dead.

One thing is clear, there does need to be a time jump between season three and four – Carl is growing up far too quickly!

I have high hopes for season four, I would love to see a sense of normality befall the group as they start to get their lives back on track. Perhaps they wander and find another group nearby (The Alexandria Safe Zone?) and despite tensions the two then get on with building trade links. Forget introducing Negan, lets just have a story of building communities again and maybe the mental toll this has taken on the survivors.

Then, when everything is beginning to look good – at the mid-season finale or the even the season finale – kaboom! Attack on the prison, led by The Governor!

What do you think about season four?

Archived: The Walking Dead Season 4 Plot Details - archived
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