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I know it has been a long time since I last blogged or even wrote a review, which is odd because I’ve been watching a few films lately.

About five weeks ago I was playing football for the Hornets in their Legends game. On a corner the ball swung in, I leapt to grab it only to feel something in the back of my foot, like someone had kicked me there. I went down. Everyone wondered what was going on, thought I had dived but I was adamant someone had kicked me. I couldn’t stand, I could barely breathe through the pain.

I sat on the sidelines and watched the rest of the first half before conceeding I needed to get this foot iced and elevated. It was a struggle to get to the car and Kaye, bless her, had to drive me home. Lucky I have her as a second driver on my insurance.

Once home we iced the back of my ankle and put it up high, I was in so much pain though, I was in tears. Kaye said I should go to the hospital if it was that bad, she just thought it was soft tissue damage. I said if it is still as painful in the morning then I’d go. Morning came and it was still bad. I rang the NHS Advice number who said I should go to the Minor Injuries Unit in Evesham.

We were the only people there, the first people there in fact. When we saw the nurse she asked me to kneel on a chair as if I were praying. Then she squeezed my calf muscle on my right leg and my right foot twitched. She then repeated this on the left leg and the left foot didn’t move. She deduced that I had ruptured my achilles tendon.

Ten weeks or more in plaster. Brilliant.

So here I am, stuck at home because work won’t let me work from home and no one wants to come pick me up. I can’t drive, I can’t hire an automatic, there are no public transport links and I’m not shelling out for a taxi.

We have been to Cornwall mind you, there last week. It’s very picturesq and very silent. Not even the seagulls seemed to want to break that silence. I was feeling a little glum due to my leg and I seemed to be holding Kaye back from exploring and going on the scenic walks but we have agreed to go back again when I’m better.


So that’s what I’ve been doing, what about you?

Archived: Where've You Been Neil? - archived