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WARNING: Potential spoilers abound!
WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Brock Lesnar vs. Seth Rollins
Neil Says: From what I hear, The Undertaker is returning. Logic says he’ll be going for revenge against Brock for taking the streak. Rollins is also rumoured to be set up against HHH, so for me, Rollins will lose the title, go complain to the Authority and end up getting schooled by HHH. Leaving Lesanr to take the title and offer the Deadman one last shot.
Debora Says: Seth.
WWE Tag Team Title Match: The New Day vs. The Prime Time Players
Neil Says: Without Kidd/Cesaro, these matches aren’t anywhere near exciting. The PTP will retain.
Debora Says: New Day (sucks!)
WWE United States Title Match: Kevin Owens vs. John Cena
Neil Says: WWE isn’t stupid. They know these matches are incredible and will want to continue the money makers. But this is round 3, the usual peak of the rivalry, how are they going to continue to write this story? Easy, Owens gets DQ’d giving Cena the win but Owens still wanting his rematch.
Debora Says: Cena.
Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt
Neil Says: Again, spoilers here. More rumours suggest Sting is coming back too – talk about stacking SummerSlam! The logic suggests that he’s going to be going up against Wyatt, the two characters should fit together so I imagine Wyatt will go crazy on Reigns after being defeated and then Sting comes in and makes the save.
Debora Says: Bray
Randy Orton vs. Sheamus
Neil Says: Sorry, what? No one cares about Sheamus and poor Randy has been so underused. Cena was pushed out of the spotlight and yet he is giving some of his best matches ever…Orton, not so much. Sheamus being Mr. Money in the Bank n’all will probably get the win to try to make him look strong.
Debora Says: Orton
Battle for The Crown: R-Truth vs. King Barrett
Neil Says: More rumours suggest Barrett is going back to his Bad News gimmick – and about damn time too. Thus he’ll lose the crown and give R-Truth something silly to keep him going for another month.
Debora Says: Barrett