Archived: WWE SummerSlam 2014 Predictions - archived

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WWE World Heavyweight Title Match: Brock Lesnar vs. John Cena
Neil Says: All the odds say Brock will win this, the dirtsheets say so but for Cena’s 15th title run, I just don’t think ending it this soon will happen. But then I didn’t think Brock would end the Undertaker. Brock gave us one of the best matches I’ve ever seen against Punk at last years event, hopefully he can do it again. I’m going to say Brock.
Debora Says: John Cena.

WWE Divas Title Match: Paige vs. AJ Lee
Neil Says: I don’t think the title will bounce back and forth between the two, but that’d be cool. So I think AJ will get the win.
Debora Says: AJ Lee.

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. The Miz
Neil Says: If you think Dolph will get the win, I’m sorry. I’m a Ziggler fan, but no-one backstage where it counts seems to be. Plus with The Marine 4 on the way, The Miz needs to keep the gold.
Debora Says: Ziggler.

Lumberjack Match: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose
Neil Says: Dean Ambrose will win, finishing this little feud and allowing Seth to focus on getting the title shot.
Debora Says: Dean Ambrose.

Flag Match: Rusev vs. Jack Swagger
Neil Says: Jack Swagger will make Rusev eat ol’ Glory.
Debora Says: Rusev.

Chris Jericho vs. Bray Wyatt
Neil Says: In match 2 of 3, you’d expect Bray to win this one – without Erick Rowan and Luke Harper at ringside. However, I believe Y2J will pull out the second win and send Bray fuming, leading up to their third and final encounter in some kind of gimmick match.
Debora Says: Jericho!

Stephanie McMahon vs. Brie Bella
Neil Says: I smell a Nikki Bella heel turn…coming out to help Brie when SMASH! She slaps her silly and helps Steph pick up the win.
Debora Says: Brie.

Randy Orton vs. Roman Reigns
Neil Says: Orton will pull out the V here.
Debora Says: Orton.

Kickoff Pre-show Match: Rob Van Dam vs. Cesaro
Neil Says: In RVDs farewell match, I expect Cesaro to go over.
Debora Says: RVD

Archived: WWE SummerSlam 2014 Predictions - archived
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